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David Draper Jr

CMD Survival

CMD Survival is a text based survival open world adventure game. I made it to practice C++ and learn anything new about the language I didn't know already. Below I've highlighted key parts of the game to assist in explaining the different mechanics. To be clear, all text in the actual game is white.

Help and Go Commands


The help command is a good place to start. Typing help and the name of another command will give you more information about that command.



You can look for food and other materials by using the forage command. If you want to only get something specific, you can type the name of that thing after the command.



You have to eat every once in a while, otherwise you will die. You have an invisible hunger monitor that decreases every time you move, forage, or make something.



You can take a look at all the stuff you've collected by accessing your inventory.



If you find more items than you have room for in your inventory, you will have to pick something to get rid of until you have room.


If you use the discard command you can get rid of items you don't need. And if you use discard all, you can get rid of all of any kind of item that's in your inventory.

Saving and Loading


The save command allows you to save your progress and come back any time. Make sure to save before you quit.


When you open the game again you can load it back up again.

The Monument


If you wander around enough, you may come across the monument. When you examine it you will get the book.

The Book


The book starts with a lot of pages ripped out, and when you forage from now on you have a chance of finding one of the missing pages. Each page contains a recipe you can use to make something useful.

Looking at the Map


The map is something you can make, and after you have it you can look at it using the check map command. Along with that, using the go command from now on shows your coordinates.